Caring For Daylilies

Daylilies are one of the easiest ornamental solution for your garden as they are low maintenance and colourful in shades of pink, yellow, red and orange. The flowers are like star-shaped bells and they survive well during winter. Not only are they pretty in your garden, but in flower bouquets or arrangements as well.

If you want daylilies in your garden you first need to establish the spot where you will plant them. This area should receive at least 5 or 6 hours of sunlight per day and the soil should be well-drained, preferably with a pH of 6.5-7 though they are highly adaptable flowers; if you have a drainage problem, raising the beds is the easiest way to go.

Daylilies really don’t like weeds so prepare the ground first by removing any weeds and roots, then dig holes, big enough for the roots to sit comfortably, and add fertilizer before placing the plant and watering it. Fertilizers should be added once every 2-3 weeks during the flowering season, or twice a year if you use chemical types.

In general they need regular watering; they do withstand drought but since they bloom in summer you might risk them loosing the flowers if they don’t get enough water.

Some insects like aphids, snails and spider mites might affect them so use proper insecticide when the situation calls for it.

drainage problem, flower bouquets, low-maintenance, ornamental solution, proper insecticides, regular watering, star-shaped bells