Making Flower Beds

An excellent idea for your garden is flower beds, especially prepared to highlight the beauty of your favorite flowers. Whether you choose to make a clean structure or a country style garden, flower beds need a little bit of planning, not just choosing the flowers you like best but also doing your homework about their requirements and the shape and colours which will complement the style of your house.

The best result is achieved when all the flowers in one flower bed bloom at the same time, so choose them with similar flowering seasons.

Experience has also taught us that most combinations of small flowers don’t really mix well with big blooms, but there are a few which tickle the senses, like petunias with Geraniums.

In case of raised flower beds you might want to go with flowers of different heights. And if you plan to make a rather small one you can opt for gladiolus, lavender, iris, roses and other alike which are quite stunning on their own and achieve a great effect.

The colours should also be harmonized, whether you go for calming colours or contrasts; try a combination of yellow with red and orange for a warm atmosphere or blue, green and lavender to give off a cool impression.
For example, if you want to have a country style garden, island flower beds will look stunning in at least 3 rows of colours in a round, oval or even rectangular shape. Or you might prefer flower borders along your fence, driveway or even your house.

calming colours, clean structure, cool impression, country style garden, flower beds, flower borders, flowering seasons, island flower beds