Shrubs And Bushes Used For Landscaping

Depending on the climate you live in, nature has provided us with many options of plants for landscaping, including shrubs and bushes.

Shrubs usually need well-drained soil and before getting your heart set on one specific type, determine where you will place it in your garden and how much sunlight it will receive there.

For example, if you live in zone of 3 to 7 and the spot/s you chose have ample sunlight then you can count on Lilac, which serves well as screening or center piece.

It blooms in spring with beautifully scented flowers.

A shrub that grows well in both sunlight and shade is the Holly, a versatile and adaptable plant. It produces berries if you plant both male and female and it makes a good shrub for foundation, hedge or screening.
The Boxwood fairs well in hardiness zone of 5 to 9, thriving in shade but tolerating bright sunlight as well. Because of its hardy nature it’s one of the most common landscaping shrubs, pruned into different shapes according to taste.

Another very resistant plant is the Juniper, which can grow in various types of conditions and is not very hard to care for. Or you could choose the Spirea – it thrives in zones of 3 to 8, in average soils moderately watered.

The most common is the Spirea yanhoultei with white flowers and bluish green leaves, which turn yellow during autumn.

A common flowering shrub is the Rhododendron catawbiense which has shiny, big, leathery leaves and blooms beautifully coloured flowers in spring/summer.
There are various other species of shrubs you can choose, from the Butterfly bush to the Winter Honeysuckle, you just have to choose according to their preference and care for them properly and you will have a beautiful and healthy garden.

adaptable plant, bright sunlight, flowering shrub, hardy nature, landscaping shrubs, plants for landscaping, well-drained soil