Pave with grout the easy way

Paving stones look wonderful in any garden, driveway or walkway. So, consider adding them, if you haven’t done it yet, to your landscape. They need to be grouted in order to keep their aspect intact.

Let’s learn how you can do this yourself.

Cover every stone with water. During this prepare the grout by mixing mortar in a 3:1 ratio. The crevices of the pavers must be filled with the mixture. Use a squeegee or a soft brush to do so.

There will be grout in excess. Remove it by spraying water from a hose on the pavers and using a stiff brush. It may need several rounds of brushing and watering. Be careful at the quantity of water user- if it’s too much the grout will come out of the crevices.

crevices of the pavers, paving stones, soft brush, squeegee, stiff brush