
This shrub is highly regarded for medicinal purposes and is not related to grapes but gets its name because it bears comestible berries clustered in grape bunches. It resembles the holly plant because of its green leathery leaves and has yellow flowers – because of this it is sometimes grown for ornamental purposes too.

A bitter, bright yellow dye is prepared from the stems and roots of the plant and while its origin is disputed, the medicine attributes are not – it is said to be antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.

Some state that it has anti-cancer effects too. It is use most commonly in digestive problems, stimulating the flow of bile and being a natural laxative.

It can usually be found as tea, tincture, pills or cream for skin conditions, but the best results are achieved using root under the supervision of a qualified herb practitioner. It is, however, counter indicated to pregnant women, people with heart conditions and it should not be used on long term as it can have side effects.

anti-cancer effects, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, comestible berries, grape bunches, medicinal purposes, natural laxative, ornamental purposes, skin conditions, yellow flowers