Black-eyed susan vine

The perennial Black-eyed Susan vine is originally from Eastern Africa but its beautiful display of colours has made it famous throughout the world. Its leaves are heart or arrow shaped and it bears soft, cream, yellow, orange or white flowers with dark centers throughout the year, even during winter if given the right conditions. Though similar to the Black-eye Susan this plant is a vine and needs things to spread on.

If you want Black-eyed Susan vine in your garden or home you can use seeds or cuttings, though seeds are the safer option as cuttings tend to get damaged when transplanted. Plant the seeds in porous soil – you can add compost and perlite to the soil to help with drainage, under partial shade, cover them with a thin layer and water them thoroughly. When you replant spread them a bit, about 3 inches apart. Once they are rooted water them regularly but no too much as they are prone to root rot.

When buds appear, start adding water soluble fertilizer weekly for durable flowering which can also be boosted by regular pruning. Also spray germicide on a regular basis as the vine is prone to pests.

black-eyed susan vine, partial shade, porous soil, regular prunning, Root rot, water soluble fertilizer