
Flowers have always been the most beautiful present one could send or receive due to their attractive smell and look. They have been a source of inspiration for poets and writers for centuries. Flowers have also been a symbol in folklore, mythology and religion.

They are the most pure and lovable things God have crated for humans. Everybody loves them; every gardener has flowers in his garden. There are many types of flowers on earth; some are small, others are big, some have a distinctive fragrance, etc.

From a botanical point of view, the flower can be defined as a shortened, modified and compacted branch with lateral appendages. The main parts of a flower are the petals, the sepals, the carpel, the stamen and the leaves. Just like twigs, flowers appear and grow from buds. Nobody knows how many types of flowers are on this planet. However, flowers can be divided in several categories depending on their morphology, position, branches, clusters, inflorescence and bloom.

Morphology of flowers

 The morphology of a flower is the way it is arranged from an anatomical point of view. Depending on this feature, flowers can be divided in several categories.

  •  Sympetalous

Sympetalous flowers have joined petals. They can be partially joined or fully joined.

  • Polypetalous

As compared tosympetalous, polypetalous flowers present petals that are not joined.

  •  Actinomorphic

Actinomorphic flowers are characterized by radial symmetry. This means that these flowers are made of two identical parts placed along an nonexistent axis through their middle parts. These types of flowers can be divided into three categories such as campanulate, tubular and funnel shaped. Actinomorphic flowers include roses, poppies and cruciform family.

  •  Zygomorphic

Zygomorphic flowers are characterized by symmetry of both sides. This means that only one axis runs through the center and just two symmetrical parts are possible along this axis. Bilabiate flowers preset a corolla that is not regular; the top lip is made of two petals while the bottom lid is made of three petals. Papilionaceous flowers present five petals; one is placed at the top, also called standard and the bilateral ones are called wings.


According to their position on the branch, flowers can be classified as follows:

  •  Terminal

Terminal flowers, which can also grow as clusters of flowers are placed at the final parts of the branches or axis. We can include in this category Nerium Oleander and Magnolia Grandiflora.


Axillary flowers, which can also grow as clusters of flowers grow between the stems or axis and the leaves. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Catharanthus roseus and Callicarpa Americana are axillary flowers.

Flower branches, clusters and inflorescence

It is to be noticed that flowers can appear as one, single piece or in clusters. The inflorescence represents the way flowers are arranged in cluster.

  •  Single flower

Single flowers grow at the tip of an elongated stalk, a branch or peduncle. Magnolia grandiflora and the tulip are single flowers.

  •  Cluster

The flowers in this category are blooming together in close formation.  Dianthus barbatus (sweet William), Pentas spp. (pentas), Pyracantha coccinea (firethorn), Mangifera indica (mango) and Ligustrum japonicum (ligustrum) can be included here.

  •  Inflorescence

Cymose and racemose are two sub-types in which flowers can be divided according to their inflorescence. Flowers belonging to the racemose inflorescence present a continuous growth of the axis of the inflorescence. They bloom in the axes of the minimized bracts or leaves; the oldest flower is at the base while the newly appeared flower is close to the growing tip.

In cysmose inflorescence, the terminal flower stops the upward development of the axis. The younger flowers appear the lower part of the axis while the older flower is at the top.


According to their blooming period, flowers can be divided in:


Annual flowers bloom for a longer time and they can be further divided in “stronger” annuals and “tender” annuals. Many annual flowers can stand bad weather and temperature fluctuations.


Perennial flowers bloom for several years. One of the most popular perennial flowers is the rose.


During the first blooming season, biennial flowers do not bloom. It is to be mentioned that these flowers die after the second blooming season.

Now, that you know the categories in which flowers can be divided you can opt for those that you want. You may prefer biennials, perennials, annuals, with single flowers or clusters. It is your choice.

actinomorphic flowers, annual flowers, axillary flowers, blossom, clusters, flower branches, flower morphology, flower types, inflorescence, perennial flpwers, polupetalous flowers, single flower, sympetalous flowers, terminal flowers, zygomorphic flowers