Channel drain system materials

There are some common problems that appear at patio drainage systems. Poor drainage can lead to unwanted patio damage so you must be sure to take measures before problems appear.

Planning in case of drainage problems

Plan on what to do in case of drainage problems, before they appear.

A drainage system is easier to install when you are installing the patio also. Think about sloping the patio drainage according to your situation. It is best to take these measures that can save you a lot of time and effort.

Installing a drainage system in an existing patio

Some patios don’t have water pooling problems, but if yours does and you don’t have a drainage system, think about installing one as quickly as possible. You’d better think about hiring a professional for the job. The main task is making a hole in the patio and cutting a channel where the water can flow away. This channel can be filled with gravel to make it more appealing or it can have a pipe put into it and be covered by a grate.

Drainage problems on existing drainage systems

It is common for drainage system to get clogged every now and then. If you notice that the water isn’t draining as fast as it should, you better clean the drainage system as soon as possible to avoid other complications. Debris can often block the drainage especially if you have a pipe drainage covered with a grate.

Gravel will allow less room for debris, thus getting clogged even faster. In this case you must take out all the gravel and then, using a hose, give it a good wash. Using a pressure washer will make the job easier and more effective especially for small debris. Bigger chunks of debris can be removed by hand. You might want to spray the trench to wash away any gravel or debris that might have deposited there and clogged the drainage system.

About drains, Channel drain system materials, court yard drainage, Digging for drainage pipes, Drainage clogging, Drainage pipes, Drainage system, French drain, gravel drain, How to build a drainage ditch, How to install a drainage system, How to install drains, patio drainage issues, Patio drainage system, pipe drain, Storm water drainage, Trench drain