Evergreen species

Shrubs are a beautiful addition to your garden adding to the pallet of colour with their dense foliage or stunning flowers. They are much smaller than trees, usually between 15 and 20 feet tall. There are so many species of shrubs with such different properties, that the easiest way to sort and identify them is by flower or leaf.

To use leaf identification you need to have studied the leaves of many different shrubs. You need to notice the shape, the edge, the general feel and their arrangement on the branch. They can have different colours like shades of green, brown, red, so on. One of the most popular types is the evergreen shrub and flowering shrubs. The flowering shrubs are the easiest to remember because of the impression they make and the general diversity.

Azalea’s flowers bloom all at once which is what makes it so spectacular, while the Liliac Buddleja has long (10-15 cm) and dense panicles of strongly scented flowers, with white, pink, red or purple petals – one thing to keep in mind about the Liliac is that some are evergreen species and others are deciduous. The Protea Cynaroides has huge flowers which make beautiful decorations after they’re dried – there are 80 garden varieties and they have a long life when kept in vases -, Blue Hydrangeas bear pom-pom like flowers available in multiple colours and the Rhododendron Luteum, with its impressive large and clustered yellow flowers, is the national flower of Nepal.

Banksia, which can be tree or woody shrub, has interestingly positioned flowers, in pairs and at right angles to the woody axis, Forsythia is a deciduous shrub with yellow flowers in spring and Cytisus Scoparius is a yellow flower explosion in summer, perennial shrub from Europe.

beautiful addition, Blue Hydrangeas, dense foliage, different shrubs, evergreen shrub, evergreen species, flowering shrubs, huge flowers, leaf identification, Liliac Buddleja, multiple colours, Protea Cynaroides, Rhododendron Luteum