Forced bulbs

The English poet William Wordsworth was fascinated by the stunning yellow flowers of the daffodil and many others before and after him, adorning their gardens with the pretty trumpet shaped blooms which come in bright yellow, white, orange, cream or pink.

Propagation is done by bulbs or seeds, but the seeds can take up to 7 years to bloom. So we advice you go with the bulbs; make sure they are round or oblong in shape without soft spots.

They should be planted in early autumn, in containers or in the garden, and will flower in spring. Choose a spot with light shade or even full sun, dig a deep hole to aerate the soil, mix rich organic compost and set the bulbs, about 10 inches deep and 6 inches apart from each other, with the pointed end up. When done, water well and don’t add fertilizer.

Once the flowering season is over, cut the stalks to the ground (without the leaves) and continue to water them until they die naturally. If you want to store the bulbs for next season, dig them out, dust them and place them in mesh bags in a cool, dry place.

If you want to enjoy them longer, from January to March, you can force the bulbs using soil and water, like other flowering plants such as crocus. Fill 2/3 of a container with potting mix, place the bulbs (pointed end up) and cover them, leaving the tips exposed. Water well when done and place the container in a dark, cool room (35-55 F) for 12 o 16 weeks.

Forcing them through water means placing the bulbs on pebbles set in a bowl of water, making sure only the bottom of the bulbs touch the water. You can also use a “hyacinth glass vase”, specifically designed for forcing bulbs. Move the container to a warm (60-70 F), sunny location.

After the forced bulbs are done flowering, plant them in the garden to get the necessary nourishment and facilitate propagation. It is advisable you don’t use the same bulbs to force next year.

early autumn, flowering plants, flowering season, forced bulbs, light shade, organic compost, soft spots