Fragrant flowers

White flowering shrubs add a touch of elegancy to your garden and they can be used to differentiate the areas of interest or create a contrast with other vibrant colours of flowers. Shrubs are an easy alternative to seasonal flowers which have to be replanted, so they should be chosen according to the conditions you can offer them for the best results.

The Rose of Sharon Bushes are actually not real roses, but hibiscus and they come in dwarf or tall cultivar; they are typical to zones 5 to 9 and should be kept in well-drained soil and full sun.

For spring white flowers the Grey Dogwood is your shrub, thriving in moist and damp conditions and blooming in clusters, while for summer blooms you might want to go for the Mophead Hydrangea, which is best suited for zones 4 to 9, providing you with large showy flowers throughout summer and big, dark green leaves.

Out of the white flowering Camellias, the April Snow Camellia is one of the favorites because of its fragrant flowers and tolerance to cold weather, typical to zones 6 to 9. It is easy to grow and maintain and it can be planted at any time of the year.

Another fragrant flower producing shrub is the Deutzia Chardonnay Pearls, typical to zones 5 to 9, with lime green foliage and suitable for planting along with perennial flowers or in group with other flowering shrubs.

Let’s not forget about the Dwarf Radicans Gardenia, so highly adaptable that it can grow in almost all types of soil. This small shrub will reward you with fragrant beautiful white flowers.

In the cold months you can prune your shrubs to keep their shape and reduce disease and risk of infestation.

flowering shrubs, fragrant flowers, seasonal flowers, white flowering shrubs, white flowers