French drian efficiency

When you plan a new paver patio, make sure you include a drainage system in the project. Proper drainage is very important as standing water can cause damage to your home’s foundation, provide a breeding ground for insects and pests and other unwelcome surprises. You can avoid all of this choosing the right way for water drainage.

Patio base

The base of a patio will allow water to drain beneath it. If you didn’t mortar each spot of the base, there will still be a weak spot of sand and many gravel that will permit the water to infiltrate, thus damaging the foundation over time. It is best you lay the gravel tight  so that there won’t be any place for the water to go.

Patio slope

It is recommended you slope the base of the patio at an angle so that water will flow away from it. To be effective, tilt the base about 1/4th of an inch for each linear foot moved.

Patio drains

If water stays longer than it should, you might think about installing a patio drain and connect it to a pipe that leads to a ditch or sewer. You may think about installing a french drain at the end of the patio to carry out the water to where you want.

Using a dry-well

Constructing a dry-well will make draining easier. It can be combined with the French drain for more efficient results. The dry-well can be made out of a barrel filled with sand and gravel and can actually be installed under the patio base. If the patio is already constructed, and floods you may wanna think about starting the project all over again and do it right this time.

About drainage systems, About drywells, About french drains, Drainage, Drainage system, Drywell, Drywell efficiency, French drain, French drian efficiency, Patio base drain, Patio drain, Patio drainage system, Patio draining