Gravel trench

A drainage system is crucial for homeowners who live in areas where rainwater quantities are big, for those who have a large surface that needs to be irrigated or for homeowners who have dips and depressions in their properties’ lawn. These problems can be solved following a few simple steps.

Find out the source of the water excess

Flooding and pooling is cause mainly by muddy gardens and soggy lawns.

The basic problem is the excess of water and the lack of water drainage. Before thinking about installing a drainage system, find out what is the main cause of the excessive water. it can be either heavy rainfall, melting snow, underground springs, broken underground water pipe or broken sprinkler pipe or head.

If the source of the excessive water is represented by broken piping, you won’t need to install a drainage system. You just have to repair the pipes. But if installing a drainage system is necessary, you have to take some factors into consideration.

The composition of soil

Clay soil is a crucial factor that leads to pooling water. This can be fixed using a tiller to mix the clay soil with materials like sand, compost or gypsum.

Land elevation

When positioning the whole drainage system, you must be sure to position it at an angle, sloping it downwards, toward a lower spot than the pooling one.

Drainage system type

  1. If you choose an Open ditch it has to be 12 inches deep and 12 inches wide. If the soil is soft it can be manually dug. If not, think about hiring a specialist to come and dig with a mechanical ditch digger.
  2. The Gravel trench is the alternative for those who don’t want a ditch in their yard. The trench needs to be filled with gravel and then covered with topsoil and grass. This method is effective but it has the risk of clogging due to soil being washed away.
  3. You could also use a Drainage pipe. Think about using a pipe with 12 inches in diameter or larger to avoid clogging. Of course a bigger pipe will always be more expensive than a smaller one. Also, if you use a pipe made of several sections, the installing process will be more time consuming.

These drainage systems are effective for each kind of drain problems. In some cases, you might have to use more than one drainage system to keep the excess water out of your yard.

Ditch, Drain, Drainage ditch, Drainage pipe, Drainage soil, Drainage system, excess water, Gravel trench, Open ditch, Pipe, Piping system, Trench drain