How to install a chimney liner kit

Other than installing a masonry chimney from scratch, you can choose a cheaper method represented by a metal chimney pipe. It can be used with all sorts of venting gases, even those made of wood stoves or working fireplaces. It’s not that expensive to install a metal chimney pipe but is less troublesome than the masonry.

You can choose to hire a professional worker to install the chimney pipe to be sure that there are no leaks or if you want to keep some money, providing the fact that you got some home improvement skills, you could install it all by yourself.

Materials Needed

  • Screwdriver
  • Saw
  • Screws
  • Metal chimney pipe kit
  • Caulk
  • Roof Mastic

Fitting the Bucket

A device called the ceiling bucket which you can be found inside the metal chimney pipe kit which will be wider and flatter than the rest  of the pipes needs to be assigned to the ceiling. Do this by sawing a hole the size of the bucket in to the ceiling. You should find to pieces of metal, the ceiling trim and the support trim. The support trim will be used to seal the ceiling hole. Raise up the bucket with the help of a friend so that it is positioned under the ceiling gap and then one of you must go to the place above the ceiling and screw the two pieces of metal together so that the bucket will be fixed in place.

Fitting the Pipes

Now you can place pipes to the stove . Bring them down enough until they are approximately the same level with the stove vent (you can saw any excess length or use a pipe cutter), then fasten to the back of the stove with a fitting pipe.  This will be fit over the margins of the pipes  with connection nuts on both sides and joined with the outlet of the stove. Strengthen until the pipes are securely fixed in place

Fitting to the Roof

You can go on and install the pipes to the roof after the stove has been connected. Using brackets to keep them to the wall, these pipes need to be fixed every 5 to 8 feet.  You will have to cut a hole in the roof almost the same size of the pipe then mount the support plates on either side.  From the gap to the top of the pipe, the metal pipe must be around 3 feet above the roof. Slipping the cap underneath or by loosening the shingles or tiles around the gap will help you fix a vent cap. Add roof mastic at the end if the shingles seem loose.

Finishing Up

Protect the pipe by filling around any joints with caulking. You should add caulk to the screws, around the hole in the ceiling and against the interior of the roof in order to be sure that your pipe remains firm.

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