Landscaping artists

If your garden does not look up to your expectations and you would like to make it greener than ever you can try planting some ornamental grass. This is becoming a very popular choice in gardening, as ornamental grass looks beautiful and can add color to the yard. It is highly appreciated by landscaping artists and people who appreciate plants.

There are different ornamental grass types, such as bamboo and pampas.

The types of ornamental grass that grow in a warm climate are referred to as warm season ornamental grasses. These types will not flourish if the weather is not warm. Among these, the Miscanthus is rich in flowers in a warm climate. This grass is generally perennial and it is also included in the clump forming grass types. This categorization actually applies to various grasses that differ in height and the width of their blade.

The Fountain Grass is also a clump forming grass that has beautiful flowers. It is formed in the shape of a fox tail. If you travel south of Rhode Island the grass can turn a bit weedy.

Another perennial warm season grass is the Switch Grass that grows in the late spring. The ripe seeds have a pink or slight purple tinge, while the leaves turn brown in the fall. Moreover, one type of switch grass even has blue foliage and it is really eye-catching and dramatic in flower gardens.

Purple Moor Grass grows in a green mound with bright green leaves. The height of the flower stalks is around 5-8 feet and they fan out from the center. The perfect environment for this plant to grow involves acidic soil and well drained areas that are full of sunlight.

Amongst ornamental grasses that grow well during the cold season, at the end of spring and in cooler climates are fescue types of grass. It likes cool temperatures and it has a special silver-blue color. The fescue grasses are also clump forming types. It goes very well with colorful perennials and flowers would be even better when set as a border for other plants.

Blue Oat Grass is native to Central Europe and it has a pale green color with a blue tint. It is an evergreen clump forming grass and it grows in the shape of a shrub.

The Feather Reed Grass is reddish white in color and has narrow and compact blades.

Another cool season ornamental grass is the ribbon grass which grows in colder climates and thrives in rough conditions. This type of grass is considered highly invasive, except for a few species such as the Picata and Feesey’s from. If you take care to plant it in the shade, you will only get a subdued invasive growth of the grass. The white flowers bloom from June to October.

The North Sea Oats is another perennial grass that has narrow blades that grow upright. The seed heads get a brown or bronze color during the winter and the flowers bloom between June and September. It is best planted in partial shade.

These are the more popular types of ornamental grasses, however there are different ways to classify these grasses, such as: ornamental grasses for dry sites, that grow in areas with little rainfall and not much irrigation; running ornamental grasses that have rhizomes underground to increase their growth; grasses for moist sites that grow in places with adequate rainfall.

However, this technical categorization is not essential when choosing a type of ornamental grass for your garden. You need to keep in mind the type of climate necessary as well as what type of grass fits in with your design.

flower gardens, green leaves, landscaping artists, moist sites, ornamental grass, ribbon grass