Shower glass cleaning

Hard water spots are quite difficult to remove especially from shower door glass. Besides the fact that these spots look very unaesthetic, they make any bathroom look untidy. Here are a few methods that can help you get rid of these unpleasant spots.

 Clean the spots every day

If you want to have a flawless glass and prevent hard water spots occur, you have to clean it every day. Although cleaning these spots is a challenge, you can remove them quite easy with the help of a paper towel and Windex. You can also use a squeegee instead of a paper towel.

Remove spots with rubbing alcohol

Small build-up can be easily cleaned with rubbing alcohol. Apply a small quantity on the glass and then clean it using a wet piece of fabric. This solution works only for small and recent hard water spots. Use a special chemical to remove older spots.

Clean spots with fabric clean removers

Fabric stain removers such as Resolve or Shout can also help you remove hard water pots from your shower door glass. Put some fabric stain remover on a wet piece of fabric and rub the spots carefully. Besides the fact that this will make your bathroom smell very nice, it will help you get rid of many hard water spots on your glass.

Eco-friendly product

Hard water spots can also be removed with the help of an Eco-friendly product – the lemon. Cut in half a lemon and rub he stains with its interior part. Let the lemon juice take effect for several minutes and then clean it.

Chemical product

One of the most effective methods to remove hard water spots is to use a chemical product. Besides the fact that these products are cheap, they include detailed instructions that can be very easily followed. In order to remove the spots completely you will need to scrub them a little.

chemical products, clean water spots with fabric clean removers, cleaning hard water stains from shower door glass, daily cleaning of water spots, eco-friendly products, hard water spots, lemon for cleaning water spots, rubbing alcohol, shower glass cleaning, small water build-up