Small degree of humidity

We all want to save money when it comes to the bills of the house. Here are some tips to save energy whilst maintaining your home warm during winter or cool in the summer:

  1. Open the doors to let the air flow. For the rooms where you have a thermostat, close the doors between them.
  2. If you have a room that you don’t use, turn off the radiator in there and keep the door shut. But, don’t close the room if there is a heat pump in there or a thermostat – the temperature will be different and will give wrong information to the apparatus.
  3. The furniture is an important aspect in the circuit of the airflow. If you have large pieces of it that block the registers, consider moving it.
  4. Don’t allow dust to pile up on your registers, baseboard heaters, radiators. They will be less efficient.
  5. Humidity is part of the comfort of your home. Keep it at a 60 % level in the winter so that the thermostat will work at a lower temperature. The summer requires a small degree of humidity, in order to keep the air cooler. You can establish the humidity levels by using a humidifier or a dehumidifier.
  6.  Use the exhaust fan from the kitchen or bathroom as rarely as possible. You will expel the air in the nearby area but also, it will take from the cooled or heated air inside the house.
  7. Nature can be of help here. Plant trees, shrubs or vines on each side of the house. This natural protecting wall will stop the winter winds that come from the east and north. In the summer, the western and southern sides will be guarded by these windbreaks.
dehumidifier, exhaust fan, humidifier, natural protecting wall, save energy, small degree of humidity, thermostat, turn off the radiator, windbreaks