Solar pump lightning arrestor

The solar irrigation pump can be used to irrigate different landscapes from small gardens to crops. It reduces the time you need to spend on the irrigation system and is very economic to maintain and use.

Solar irrigation pump types

You can choose from two types of solar irrigation pumps: the surface pump and the submersible pump.

The surface pump is used when you have a nearby water source such as a river or a lake. The pump transports the water from the source directly to the plants or into a storage container. The submersible pump is more frequently used and implies placing the pump under water to a maximum depth of 1000 feet. The solar relay powers the pump so that it transports water to a nearby water tank.

Pump system type

You can choose from 3 types of solar irrigation pump systems. The Array Direct Elevated Storage. This system is similar to a water tower. The water container shall be 100 feet higher than the area that requires water. Another system is the Array Direct Storage Tank that uses a pressure pump. The tank will permit storage and the pressure pump will function when the water needs to be used. If you do not want to use any of the two systems, you can use a Pump Pressure Tank system that requires a 40-60 gallon of water tank and a pressure regulator. This system is less expensive than the other two but the disadvantage is that the pump needs to be turned on each time you need to use water and so, the solar batteries are easily drained at night and on cloudy days.


You need to place the solar array in the best position. Find an area that is shade free and point the array towards true south. If you require more energy to power up different water using devices, you can purchase a sun-tracking PV Module that will tilt itself following the sun.  With this device, the solar array will provide 20-40% more power than stable arrays.

Pump Damage prevention

Prevent damaging your water pump by installing a water level sensor, to allow the pump to shut itself off when needed. Make sure the pump system has a strong and stable foundation. Grounding is very important and can also prevent damage even if hit by a lighting. If your pump isn’t properly grounded, install a lightning arrestor.

The solar irrigation pump can be used to irrigate different landscapes from small gardens to crops. It reduces the time you need to spend on the irrigation system and is very economic to maintain and use.

Tax credit

Tax credit can be provided when installing a solar pump system. You can save 30% of the total system cost through this process. The pump will repay itself over the years many times, besides the tax credit.

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