Water types

According to its chemical content, water can be divided into two categories: hard and soft. Not many people know about this classification. Hard water contains a large amount of calcium and magnesium.

On the other hand, soft water contains sodium ions. The hardness of the water depends on how much minerals it contains. Usually, if the calcium in the water does not exceed 160ppm, then we talk about soft water. Hard water contains more than 160ppm of calcium. Do you want to know what the differences between hard water and soft water are? Read the following lines to find out the answer to your question.

What is hard water?

Hard water is the water that contains a large amount of minerals. These minerals are magnesium, calcium, iron, lime, chalk, etc. They dissolve into the water while it runs through the ground. Calcium and magnesium can be found in hard water in high quantities. Bicarbonates and sulfates are also part of the water content. Hard water is healthier to drink than soft water due to its mineral content.

What is soft water?

The water that contains a small amount of minerals or that is minerals-free is referred to as soft water. This type of water is derived from granite, which is an igneous rock or from sedimentary rocks like sandstone. At their turn, these rocks have a low mineral content. Soft water can also result from hard water by using a hard water softener. Soft water has a salty taste and is not very good for drinking. But, it is very suitable for washing and cleaning purposes.


Now, maybe you are wondering which of these two water types is better. Hard water is not very good for cleaning and washing purposes because it does not work well with detergents and soaps, while soft water does. The ions in hard water interact with the chemicals in the soap creating a residue that cannot be dissolved. For cleaning purposes, soft water is the best.

Because water that has a very high mineral content can damage the pipes, it needs to be softened. But, soft water is not good for consuming. On the other hand, hard water is the best for drinking due to its mineral content. When it comes to saving money, soft water gains a point because it does not damage the plumbing system as hard water does. More than that, it is more efficient when it comes to cleaning. Hard water has also an advantage: it is very rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

One cannot say that hard water is better than soft water or vice-versa. Both hard and soft water has advantages and disadvantages. Hard water is very suitable for drinking while soft water is proper for cleaning and washing.

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