Basic atom of oxygen

An ozone generator is a device suited for air cleaning in our homes, offices and other living spaces. Lately, experts are claiming that these generators are no longer safe to use.

First, let’s understand the uses of an ozone generator and how it works.

It produces ozone and removes smoke, pet odor, microbes. It can be used to sanitize and refresh the air in rooms or automobiles. At a chemical level, the process is not very complicated. The ozone molecule has two atoms of oxygen. When they split up and become one diatomic oxygen atom and one basic atom of oxygen, the last mentioned connects with substances in the air and therefore, removing impurities.

The same basic oxygen atom is the key in the worries of doctors. It can mix with organic substances inside our body and create health issues.
Breathing ozone can cause cough, throat irritation, chest pains or difficulty breathing. Also, even more severe and irreversible diseases can appear.

The threats can manifest differently for every person, due to the tolerance for the ozone. But either way, long exposure to the molecules can cause severe problems. People that suffer from respiratory disorders or tract diseases are more prone to get sick faster than healthy people.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggests a level of generated ozone. But keep in mind that this organization does not offer accreditation to any model of generator.

With all these warning signs, your role is to investigate more. Read reviews, scientific articles, consult a health care specialist and, if you purchase a device or already have one, use it wisely. This means to keep it running at a minimum level, shut it off frequently and use the room after 1-2 hours have passed since its shut down.

basic atom of oxygen, diatomic oxygen atom, Environmental Protection Agency, ozone generator