Bottle brush tree

This funny called plant, the bottle brush tree, came from Australia. These trees love warm climate, receiving a lot of water and plenty of sunlight. It is also called Callistemon.

Its flowers are bright red and are in the shape of a bottle brush, hence the name.

It is a commonly chosen plant for the garden. Its presence creates a magnificent view. Don’t worry about the care needed. With the following information you can grow a wonderful plant in your own green space.

It all starts from the seeds. Take the fruits and keep them in a paper bag placed in a warm place. In spring or summer spread the seeds. If you want to grow them from the stem-cuttings then you will achieve preservation with parental features.

Now let’s talk a little about the flowers. The colors are bright purple, pink, and red and have nectar for birds and insects. You will be enchanted by a formation of individual flowers. But this forms in spring and summer. The filament gives the form of a bottle brush. The flowers produce small fruits, like wood. They grow in bunches. An interesting fact is that the fruits aren’t released for a number of years and the seeds don’t spread. There a few types of trees that open their fruits within a year. Fire can determine the opening of the fruits.

The foliage is very ornamental due to the powerful dark green leaves. There is a type called white bottle brush tree. The name comes from the flowers that appear in late spring and amaze you with a cream like white color. The leaves are bright green and take the form of a willow. Therefore, it is also know as the willow bottle brush tree. This plant offers the whole package because even the trunk is special: it resembles with paper-barked material and has colors of tan and cream.

The bottle brush tree is resistant to frost. They reach 3-4 meters in height. They need fertilizer with a low quantity of phosphor. They will fertilize best in spring and autumn. The tree requires a pruning of the wood starting the new season, not cutting the interior when leaves are not numerous.

Here are a few details about two types of light pruning:

  • Tip pruning: Prune only the tip of the shoot system. After this, the flowers will grow beautifully.
  • Behind the flowers: After the flowers fade, shed them off. The best time for this practice is before winter so any growth will be protected from the cold.

Be careful with the pests. A highly malicious one is the plant-parasitic root-knot nematodes. Unfortunately, once infested there are not much you can do. But, if you take good care of the bottle brush tree meaning you will prune, water and nurture it this attack will be highly improbable. You can detect the presence of the nematodes if the roots become swollen. An infected tree must be removed and replaced with a type that resists to nematodes. This measure will prevent the rest of the garden to be attacked by the pest.

Wishing for a serene green space, where you can relax deeply? Choose the bottle brush tree.

bottle brush tree, dark green leaves, infected tree, pruning of the wood, tip pruning, warm climate, white bottle brush tree, willow bottle brush tree