Cool season grass

If you thought grass is of a single type you were wrong. There is a large variety, with several purposes: ornamental, resistance to pests, cover for the ground and source of nutrients. We can find grass that grows up to 4-5 feet.

The grass comes from the taxonomic family or the Poaceae alongside bamboo and rice.

As stated above, there are different types of grasses. Here are some examples: papas grass, mosquito grass, blue fescue, prairie drop seed, black fountain, deer grass, ruby grass, kangaroo grass, blue oat, autumn moor, tufted hair, feather reed grass and a few others.

To help you decide upon the type you wish to grow in your garden gather information like the type of soil needed, climate conditions, the size, growth pattern of the grass, leaf color.

Although the maintenance level is low for ornamental grasses the caring for them does not stop at preparing the soil and spreading the seeds.

Before plantation you must decide upon the place where the grass will grow: a pot, the land (in rows or groups).
You, then, must consider that any type of grass needs direct sunlight and a soil that is well-drained. The temperature is the one that varies accordingly to each variety of plants, but you have 2 groups to choose at first: cool season grass and the warm seasoned one.

After planting the grass, in the first season you must moisturize the soil constantly. As the period of initial growth passes, dry conditions can be supported. Anyhow, the quantity of water and the frequency of watering will be determined accordingly to the climate, soil and grass type and season.

As for the fertilization of the grass you just have to apply fertilizer before the beginning of the active growth period. Don’t use too much nitrogen because it will damage the grass.

Ornamental grass is resistant at pests. If they appear, spray water with a little soap. From time to time weeds may appear, but you get rid of them with mulching. If root or crown rot appears diminish the quantity of water and make that soil better drained.

Each type of grass has a specific period in which trimming guarantees new foliage growth in the following season.

When the growth is generous, remove the grass and divide it. This way you maintain a healthy development of the plant.

Grass is ornamental and c=it can be used in medicine too. If the grass appears weak be sure it receives enough light and the soil offers nutrients. After all, you want to preserve the beauty brought by this vegetal to your garden.

climate conditions, cool season grass, direct sunlight, dry conditions, frequency of watering, grass type, moisturize the soil, types of grasses