Dry climate

A very popular choice for indoor gardening is the ficus bonsai tree. It is an everyday houseplant as it has a lot of different species you can select from. One of these species is the Banyan ficus tree.

In nature the ficus tree is found in areas with temperate or tropical climates and it is a lush plant with beautiful green foliage that can be shaped in different ways. Even beginners can handle the task of ficus bonsai case, as it is a plant that can be easily maintained.Any change in environmental conditions inside the house can affect the ficus bonsai, as it is very sensitive. Thus, it requires vigilance and here are some aspects to follow for this purpose:

Exposure to light

Ficus bonsai trees are very sensitive to light and need to be grown indoors. The foliage of the tree is easily burned under direct sunlight at noon. Moreover, frost and very low temperatures are not recommended for these plants. Place the bonsai near a window in the morning, where it can receive plenty of sunlight without too much heat and when you get a lower light intensity. The tree can be grown suitably under grow lights.


When watering the ficus bonsai tree you need to be careful both to not over water them and at the same time to not keep them to long in a dry condition. In order to check whether the tree needs to be watered you can place your finger in the soil and if it feels dry then you can add some water. For this purpose you can choose between two techniques. Either you place the bonsai pot in a water container for 5 minutes for the plant to absorb the water throught the holes on the bottom of the pot or you pour the water onto the soil from above. If you choose to use the second method, give only some water to the bonsai, then wait for a few minutes and repeat the process several times, until the water level is enough.


Humidity is necessary in order to keep the foliage green and healthy in a dry climate. In order to help the humidity issue you can spray water on the leaves using a spray bottle a few times each day. You could also use a humidity tray that consists of small rocks that have
water at the bottom for this purpose.


Starting in spring and throughout the fall fertilizing is very important in order to ensure that the bonsai receives all the necessart nutrients. Every 2 weeks you should provide the plant with organic liquid fertilizer and in case you want to use chemical fertilizer you need to make sure that you dilute it so that it retains half its strength to prevent any damage to the roots of the bonsai.


Every 2 or 3 years, during the spring a ficus bonsai tree needs to be repotted. You need to select a pot with several holes in the bottom, that can provide proper drainage. When repotting the bonsai, place a layer of moss at the bottom of the pot and then add the soil. Afterwards, it will be necessary to water the bonsai and keep it in the shade in order for new roots to start growing.


You can use pruning to manage the growth of foliage on the ficus bonsai tree and this process is especially necessary during the growth season because it will help the tree maintain the required shape. During spring time heavy pruning will be needed, however you can perform light pruning throughout the entire year.

If all these requirement are met then the lifespan of the ficus bonsai tree will be enriched by several years. Moreover, the overall appearance of the plant will be improved greatly, thus improving the decor of the room as well. Once you master all these steps, you will find that you can let your instincts guide you in meeting the requirements of the bonsai.

direct sunlight, dry climate, everyday houseplant, ficus bonsai tree, heavy pruning, indoor gardening, light pruning, proper drainage, sensitive to light