East oriented window

Dieffenbachia is a plant that originates from the tropical climate and from the arum family. It comes from regions like Columbia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Brazil. Another name is dumb cane and comes from the poisonous sap of the plant.

The most used species as houseplants are Paradise, Tropic Snow, Dieffenbachia Camille, Dieffenbachia Maculata and Dieffenbachia Amoena.

The beauty of this plant resides in the foliage. They have different shapes (elliptical, oval, oblong) and are large, colored in green with yellow or white spots. The leaves have a glossy texture and have a length of 15 to 40 cm.

A different view of the foliage is brought by the Dieffenbachia Camilla. It has small, oval shaped leaves, with colors of a creamy yellow and a green border. The Maculata type brings to our eye oval shaped glossy leaves, with spots in white or light green.

We said above that the sap is poisonous. This is very important to apprehend. The toxicity comes from raphides found in the plant. If you have pets keep them away from the plant. The ingestion of the sap causes diarrhea and vomiting alongside with inflammatory reactions.

It is a plant that loves shade and is best to be placed near a north or east oriented window. The temperature that helps the Dieffenbachia grow is 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit and it can drop to 60 degrees in the night.

The soil in which the plant is prosperous is a well-drained loam soil, with a high quantity of organic substance. Apply regular, liquid fertilizers and keep the soil moist. But, between watering, let the clay dry a little bit.

Practice regular misting for the dumb cane plant that loves humidity.
Spring and summer are the best seasons for fertilization. As for pruning, you can cut 6-7 inches out of the stem if you observe that too many leaves fall off. So, the growth of new foliage will happen.

Be careful with pests. Aphids, mites, mealy bugs, thrips, scales, two-spotted spider mites are the most common to attack the plant. They are kind of a problem so appeal to a professional for advice and help.

All in all, the dumb cane is a plant that needs little maintenance. The Dieffenbachia enriches the décor in your house so choose them with confidence and may it grow for many years.

arum family, dumb cane, east oriented window, liquid fertilizers, little maintenance, organic substance, poisonous sap, regular misting, tropical climate, well-drained loam soil