Examine the foundation of your home for termites

A termite inspection is mostly done by a professional but you can do it even by yourself. Following the next steps, you will find out if you need an exterminator or not.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • Hammer
  • Hand held light
  • Screwdriver
  • Magnifying glass

Finding the tools

A basic inspection involves only some looking around with the naked eye to see if there is any debris around.

You may never need the magnifying glass but there are situations when dust may be something else than you think.

Doing an external examination

Because termites come into your home from outside, it’s better to start your inspection from there. With a hand held light, the foundation needs to be examined for any holes that can be used by termites as an entrance point. If there are places around your home with stored wood than you have to pay great attention to these parts of the property because they may have termite homes.

There are a high number of termite species and some of them can even fly. They are organized in swarms and when they find a food source, they burrow it immediately. If you find some piles of wings then this is a clear sign of termite presence. It’s better to use a magnifying glass because they can be easily mistaken with some seed pods. If from time to time you see a swarm that you think are flying ants, then it’s possible to have a colony around your home.

About internal examination

When an inspection is done, all possibilities inside a house must be verified. It’s important to look very carefully at every part of solid wood, including looking for telltale holes. Termites try to patch their holes after they make them so look for signs like dirt and excrement. Other clear signs of termite presence are small piles of sawdust and air bubbles beneath painted wood.

Closer examination

There are some dark damp areas in any house like an attic, basement, crawl space, cupboards that need to be closely examined.
If you think you have discovered a termite infestation, use a screwdriver to tap the wood. If the wood sounds hollow, then it would be advisable to call immediately an exterminator.

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