Flower beds

Flower beds can give an organized beautiful look to your garden, but while the result is amazing and soothing, making the flower bed yourself isn’t as hard or complicated as you would think – you just need to do a bit of planning before you start, as in any gardening project.

After you decide just how much time you plan on investing in gardening (not only the initial landscaping, but caring for the plants as well) you will know how many flower beds you should make and the shape and measurements it should have.

Select an area with good light conditions and well-drained soil then draw a plan, noting down the measurements and incorporating the flower beds into the landscape.

If you don’t plan to use a border, you can make a natural one out of buses or shrubs, or even small flowering plants. Start with smaller ones to the taller inwards. When you choose the plants, look into their requirements so that you can plan accordingly – type of soil, amount of sunlight and pruning; if for instance, one or some of the plants you choose need frequent pruning, they should be place somewhere with easy access. Make sure you don’t group too many light coloured plants together; they are most remarkable when in contrast, or you could make use of different foliage colours.

A popular flower bed choice is varied roses, whether you choose to vary the type or the colours; you can add shrubs or small flowering plants. Or you could try a raised flower bed, with Viola and yellow and orange Sweet Williams.

When done planning, mark the soon-to-be flower bed using nylon rope and digging the intended area, making it at least 10-15 inches deep. If you want a leveled flower bed, you should take adequate measures so that the soil doesn’t give way when you water the plants. Mix the soil with compost and pesticide to prevent any unwanted guests.

different foliage, flower beds, flowering plants, gardening project, initial landscaping, leveled flower bed, light conditions, varied roses