Flowering plant

Black Eyed Susan is a wild flower often grown in gardens for their pretty colour, bright yellow or orange with a dark center, low maintenance – they are even drought tolerant, and butterfly attraction. There are different species, most annual, but some perennial, and they have the ability to self-seed. The flowering plant is different from the flowering vine, sharing only appearance.

They are popular with flower arrangements that’ll last you about a week, so after they bloom you can get a few and let your creativity take over – use sharp scissors and cut near the bottom of the stem.

It should be planted 6 weeks before the first frost or in early spring; pick a spot with bright sunlight and well-drained soil, preferably sandy or clay (the pH should preferably be between 6.8 and 7.7). Scatter the seeds so that they are not next to each other then cover with a thin layer of soil. No need to water regularly unless it is a very hot summer or drought – never after a rain.

They should be fed once every 4 months and can be affected by a number of pests and diseases so check them regularly for any signs of discomfort and use appropriate insecticides.

If it’s the black eyed vine you want, then you need bright sunlight throughout the day with shade during the afternoon and moist, well-drained soil; watering should be done once a week, for about one inch, and it should be provided things to climb on.

appropriate insecticides, black eyed susan, bright sunlight, flowering plant, low-maintenance, well-drained soil, wild flower