Flue liner measurements

Flexible flue liners are one of the most important parts of a chimney. In order for the chimneys to be protected from harsh environmental conditions and damages,  it’s necessary for them to have these components installed. One of the elements that damage the chimney is the combustion gases that result from burning the wood.

Also the high temperatures are a damaging element for them. Exposure to high temperatures can damage the chimney by corroding the clay. This means that the structure of the chimney will get exposed and threaten your home.

About flue liners

There are a few things that you need to consider when buying a flue liners. Otherwise you risk wasting your money and endangering your home. Ask a professional about the type of material and specifications that liners should have.

Chimney types

The first thing you need to know is the type of the chimney that you have. Masonry chimneys are the most common around. Ask a professional if you do not know the type.


The next important thing is to know the exact measurements. There are a few types of flue liners: single, multiple, recessed or extended. You will need to know which of the four types is specially designed for you.

Materials used

Now it’s time to find out which materials were used in making the flue liners. You can find liners made from different materials, for different budgets. For a small budget you can find galvanized metal flue liners. This is not very visual appealing.

Stainless steel flue liners, on the other hand, are more expensive but look great. You can also find copper liners, also quite expensive. But in the end they are all prone to damage. So it doesn’t really matters which materials you use as long as they are maintained properly.

about flye liners, chimney types, extended flue liner, flue liner compatibility, flue liner materials, flue liner measurements, flue liner types, Flue liners, materials for flue liners, multi flue liner, recessed flue liner, single flue liners