Garden flowerbeds

Once with the coming of Spring, if you see any brown patches on the lawn, even under the grown grass, you must rake or de-thatch the dead grass and weeds hiding in the grown grass. After that, applying fertilizer and weed killer is the best option. This must be done frequently until Autumn sets in.

When mowing the lawn, you must make sure the grass is cut in as smaller bits as possible. This means you either need to mow at a higher setting or attach a bag to the mowing machine to keep the grass in it and not scatter it around.

If the grass has bare in some areas, this may be caused by too much shade, large tree roots, hard soil and more. To fix this, rake the area, water it and plant some grass seeds that will grow nicely even in shady areas. In areas with a lot of sun, you can use topsoil and certain grass seeds. This will fix any yard irregularities.

To add color to the lawn, you can start planting flowering shrubs on the it to lighten up the whole look of the yard.

Planting bushes is also a good way of enhancing the garden. Some bushes turn red during autumn and green in spring time.

If you have anything you like to hide like fences, plant climbing plants like Morning Glory. This way the blooms will offer a pleasant look and feel to the garden.

If you want to plant perennial gardens, you must take time to look after the plants so that they bloom each hot season.

A pond is another good addition to the garden. You can plant water-loving plants around the area and you can even have fish in the pond if you install a circulation pump.

Outdoor accessories like stepping stones, pathways, birdbaths and even a fountain will be a great improvement for the overall yard look. These accessories are especially good if you don’t plant any flowerbeds.

Placing house and garden flags with adjustable brackets will enhance the look of the yard. These accessories are also fairly inexpensive.

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