
Every garden enthusiast knows that, while we can make up for some aspects like fertilizers for tough soil and abundant watering in dry climates, sunlight exposure is not something we can control – for instance if you try to grow a sun-loving shrub in a shaded area you might be disappointed as it will not grow as beautiful as it might in appropriate conditions. But don’t despair, nature has provided us with beautiful and flower growing shrubs for all kinds of conditions, including shade-loving specimens.

If an area of your garden does not receive more than six hours of sunlight, that area is considered a shaded space and if it does not receive any direct sunlight it is best if you steer towards dense shade loving shrubs.

Take this into consideration as well as the type of climate when choosing a shrub for your garden.

For example, one of the most popular shade shrubs is the Hydrangea which grows well in filtered light and fertile, well-drained soil. Another popular choice is Boxwood which develops well in partial shade, though resistant in ample sunlight as well. It has dense and glossy foliage and over watering should be avoided.

For partial shaded areas you can choose the Viburnum, a hardy, flowering bush for rich and well-drained soil. The snowball-shaped flower clusters will gain attention and it only needs moderate watering. You can choose from different foliage colors and there are some specimens which grow berries as well.

A full-shade, fast growing shrub is the Carolina Allspice. It grows well in most types of soil and blooms sweet scented red-brown flowers from April to July.

abundant watering, Carolina Allspice, fertilizers, flowering bush, Hydrangea, moderate watering, partial shaded areas, shade shrubs, Viburnum, well-drained soil