Leaf blight

The Serviceberry tree can inspire the observer to poetry about it’s beauty. It emanates a sense of serenity and positivity. We will list some general facts about this tree as well as the autumn brilliance hybrid tree and the various diseases that the tree may suffer from.

General facts about the Serviceberry tree

It is a part of the rose family and it goes by different names: Swamp Sugar Pear, Shadbush, Serviceberry, Saskatoon berry, June berry, Grape Pear, Shadblow, Mespilus and Blood Choke-berry. The scientific name for the tree is Amelanchier Canadensis, from the term “amelanchier” meaning honey sweet berries. The tree can also be considered a shrub, because it can come in different sizes. The height of a mature serviceberry can vary between 10 feet and 40 feet.

The bluish-green leaves have a length of about 2 inches and come in dense foliage. They turn yellow, red or orange in the autumn and during the winter time the tree is colorless but with intriguing gray streaks running on the trunk.

The clusters of white flowers sprout in the spring, while small berries appear in the summer. These berries turn bright purple when ripe and they are very tasty. The fruit can be a light snack or used to make jams.
If you decide to plant a serviceberry make sure to do so when it is fully ripe. This process will attract birds to your garden, such as robins, mockingbirds, cardinals or blue jays.

Besides the fact that the serviceberry fruit have a delicious flavor, it is also used predominantly as an ornamental tree. Because of the many hues it takes on, from the white flowers, to the various leave colors in the autumn it helps give an unique appearance to the yard.

The Autumn Brilliance is one of the more popular varieties of serviceberry tree hybrids. Others include the Princess Diana and Forest Prince varieties. Also known as the apple serviceberry, the autumn brilliance goes by the scientific name Amelanchier X grandiflora, from the rosaceae clan. It can reach a height between 20 and 25 feet.

Autumn brilliance flowers are white and they bloom in April and the edible fruit are called june berries. This type of tree does not require much maintenance and has only moderate watering needs.

Deseases that can affect the Serviceberry Tree

One of the main conditions this tree can suffer from is known as witches broom, or black mildew. It spreads infection starting with the growth terminals of the tree and spreads to the stems. It is accompanied by black colored fungus on the foliage. If this symptom manifests, then chemicals will not help control the situation.

The foliage can also be affected by a condition called leaf blight, where small purple dots appear on the leaves. It is an infection that causes the appearance of the tree to suffer, making it seem lifeless. One disease that involves the branches is called fire blight, it causes the tips to wither.

Blossom wilt is a disease that affects the bark of the tree, making it look withered and developing small blisters. It is very easy to spot the diseased bark, as the infection causes grooves to form in the structure, from which a gum-like substance oozes. You can cure the tree from this affliction by simply pruning the damaged bark and stems.

In conclusion, the Serviceberry tree is a feast to look upon and you should consider planting it in your garden for it’s natural beauty.

apple serviceberry, black mildew, fire blight, honey sweet berries, hybrid tree, leaf blight, mature serviceberry, ornamental tree, rose family, serviceberry fruit, Serviceberry tree, small berries, watering needs, witches broom