Patio drainage issues

Planning a patio drainage system is complicated at first, but the fact that you will build a drainage system into an already existing patio means you already know where the water pools and where it must go.The slope must always face in the right way.

Tools needed:

  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Measuring tape

Drainage lower spot

The drainage system must lead outside your property, to a sewer or drainage area.

Establish the location where rainwater will go to.

Plan the drainage route

Decide what sort of water transportation system you want, either a pipe or a channel. The decision will depend on the amount of rainwater you are expecting. You must also plan a route for the water to flow on.

Draining the patio

The simplest way to drain the patio is letting the water soak. But this is not an effective solution and it takes a lot of time. You can use a channel around the patio for a much faster drainage. The grills can be made out of metal and blend in the design.

Patio drain – mainĀ  drain connection

The patio drainage system must be connected to the main drainage system. This can be done either by directly connecting it,or by making an opening under the patio so that water will simply pour into the main drainage channel.

Testing the drain

The whole system should work just fine, but you must see the actual results in a rainy day. See of the water pools on the patio or not. You can make improvements depending on each situation. Other than that, you should have no problem with the drainage system.

About drainage systems, Drain, Drainage importance, Drainage pipes, Drainage system, drainage system tips, Eco-friendly drain, Gutters, installing drainage system, Patio base drain, Patio drain, patio drainage issues, Patio drainage system, Patio draining, Perimeter drain role, Why use channel drain systems