Plenty of water

The Thimbleberry plant is a fast growing shrub with large palmate leaves, pale in colour on the backside; during autumn the leaves turn deep orange and the plant bears fruit starting its second year.

This shrub is highly appreciated for its striking red fruit, as much ornamental as they are delicious in jams or raw. They cannot be found in stores because the fruit are soft and prone to damage if transported; so you just might want to grow some of your own and we will tell you how as they are quite easy to grow – though you might have to outmatch some hungry squirrels or birds to get the berries.

Propagated through seeds, division or softwood cutting, they can adapt to various types of soil – the best are loam or clay-loam types, even barren ones, pH and temperature not issuing any problems. Once planted, it will need plenty of water, organic compost and nitrogen based fertilizer. Be careful when digging around them, as their roots are near the surface. If there are flowers and fruit in its first year, in June, nip them off. Every cane can bear fruit for 4-5 years, then they should be pruned to make way for new ones.

In any way, regular pruning should be done to keep it from invading your garden because of its fast growth rate – you might even want to discard the new shoots. Its roots are prone to infections also, like powdery mildew, so keep that in mind as well and check the plant for signs of disease.

clay-loam types, nitrogen based fertilizer, organic compost, plenty of water, powdery mildew, regular pruning, softwood cutting, striking red fruit, Thimbleberry plant, types of soil