Soil erosion

Honeysuckle is one of the most popular plants, with the Lonicera sempervirens leading the way, as they are low maintenance and very appealing ; they can grow as vines or shrubs, and as shrubs they make excellent hedges. They’re very ornamental with their bell or trumpet-shaped fragrant flowers, which can come in a variety of colours, and can be deciduous or evergreen.

Honeysuckle bush is also great as screen or border and some even use it to prevent soil erosion.

Speaking of soil, it grows well in all types of soil as long as it’s well-drained and likes sunlight. They are also drought tolerant and as far as fertilizers go, once a month during dry seasons should be enough.

They spread and grow rapidly so pruning is necessary to keep it under control. The time for this is after June, once the flowering is over. Make the cuts in angles of 45 degrees and never prune more than 1/3 of the shrub’s height. Severe pruning should be done only once every 2-3 years at the end of summer.

drought tolerant, excellent hedges, fragrant flowers, honeysuckle bush, low-maintenance, severe pruning, soil erosion, trumpet-shaped fragrant flowers