Spray bottle

Weeds make gardening a tough job. Getting rid of them is also time consuming. Commercial weed killers can effectively do the job but are in no way environmentally friendly.

So, you can use vodka as a homemade herbicide to kill off weeds like dandelions, mullein and plantain. You just have to follow some simple steps.

Materials you will need

  • Vodka
  • Spray bottle
  • Funnel

Identify the weeds you want gone

You must know what weeds you are up against, as this type of weed killer only works for broad-leaf weeds. The only weeds affected will be dandelions, chickweed, wild onions, mullein and plantain weeds.

Fill the spray bottle

Using a funnel, fill the spray bottle with a pint of vodka. This quantity of vodka is enough to start with and keep the weeds under control.

Apply the vodka on the weeds

Wait for a sunny, warm day. Spray the herbicide on the entire body of the weed from top to bottom. The sun’s energy will interact with the vodka and burn the weeds. If the weather changes, you might have to reapply the weed killer later. If you do not have vodka, you can also use gin, as it will have the same effect.

Remove the weeds

When the weeds have died, just pick them up and throw them away. This will prevent them from spreading their seeds and growing once more. Anytime you see weeds have grown in your yard, use the vodka-based weed killer instead of the commercial toxic once, thus helping your self and the environment.

Commercial herbicide, Envinronmentally friendly herbicide, Environmentally friendly weed killer, Herbicide, Remove weeds, Spray bottle, Toxic herbicide, Vodka herbicide, Vodka-based weed killer, Weed, Weed killer