
Have you ever wondered what the components of an air conditioner are? Here it goes – you will find a simple mechanism.
The principle of functioning is refrigeration. The components are:

  • Blower or fans – they move the cool air and eject the warm air;
  • Compressor;
  • Evaporator and condenser coil;
  • Tubing filled with refrigerant;
  • Thermostatic controls – most units have them;
  • Refrigerant.

Now, let’s see the steps of the functioning process.

First, when the temperature of the environment reaches the level set up on the thermostat, the system starts its activity.

The blower attracts air through the grille and filters it of dust and particles.

Simultaneously, the refrigeration process begins. It is produced by a refrigerant moved into the unit by a pump. It travels through the coil and when it does that it is very cold. The blower brings warm air across the indoor coil so that the refrigerant takes the heat and transforms it into vapor.

Then, the vapors reach the compressor which pressurizes them and sends it to the condenser coil. Here, it is given heath and it is forwarded outside.

Meanwhile, the refrigerant is converted into cool liquid by an expansion device and comes back in the evaporator coil.
This is a cycle and it repeats itself.

The final step is the blower sending the air beside the cold coil that will chill it and returning the air into the room.

blower or fans, components of an air conditioner, compressor, cool liquid, evaporator and condenser coil, expansion device, refrigerant, refrigeration process, thermostatic controls, tubing