Type of soil

Nature has provided us with many species of flowering shrubs for shade. A perfect choice if you want some ground cover is the Vinca Minor Vines, with delicate and preety blue flowers, which grows up to 6 inches tall.

A taller flowering shrub is the Mountain Laurel (or Spoonwood).

It blooms beautiful multicoloured flowers and make an excellent border, but they don’t do well in wet or clay soils.

Depending on your taste, you might prefer the Fuchsia, with vibrantly coloured flowers, Japanese Kerrias, which has delicate yellow blooms and thrives in well-drained, moderately fertile soil, or the Glossy Abelia, which are semi-evergreen and bloom bell-shaped pink or white flowers. The Glossy abelia grows well in shade but it doesn’t withstand very cold temperatures.

As you can see, it is important to make sure of a few aspects, before you decide on a species, like the type of soil, if it’s well-drained or not, fertile, and of course, what kind of shrub/s would you prefer? With delicate, clustered or big flowers, with vibrant colours and so on. For instance, if you want a fruit bearing shrub, the Berberis might just be the one for you; it bears cherries, blooms yellow flowers and has beautiful foliage.

The Hydrangea blooms in clusters and makes a good choice for borders, while Camillias bloom beautiful, rather big flowers; there are many types of Camellias so read a bit on them before you buy, to make sure they don’t grow bigger or smaller than what you want.

A stunning looking shrub when planted in numbers is the Blue Mist shrub which also fills the air with its fragrance. A low maintenance plant is the Hardy Summersweet which will reward you with a beautiful fragrance as well.

big flowers, flowering shrubs for shade, fruit bearing shrub, Hydrangea, mountain laurel, type of soil, Vinca Minor Vines