Frequent pruning

Keeping your garden healthy and beautiful can prove to be a tad difficult if you don’t choose the right species to begin with. While most plants thrive in bright sunlight, nature has provided us with species of beautiful shrubs, even flowering shrubs, and small trees which grow well in shaded areas. Just make sure you choose them according to the type of soil and climate you can provide them with – if you’re not sure, you can also check with your local horticulturist.

Some of the most commonly used shrubs for shade include the Azalea, a beautiful flowering shrub which requires acidic well-drained soil and timely mulching, the Gardenia – one of the favorites because of its big and fragrant flowers, the Boxwood – favorite of the formal landscapes designs -, which grows well in alkaline or slightly acidic soil (provided it’s well-drained), and the Winterberry, ideal for poorly drained soils, deciduous in nature and at its best during winter when it bears bright red berries.

The Hydrangea is also common because of its rapid growth rate; it booms white or pink flowers and thrives in moist, well-drained soil and partial shade.

If you fancy a green background, then the Bamboo might be for you; they grow best in partial to full shaded areas and if provided support, like fences.

Another favorite for its beautiful flowers is the Camellia. It adapts well in full shade but is susceptible to frost.
Hardy plants are the Carolina Allspice, which is deciduous in nature and blooms brown flowers from April to June, and the Barberry, also deciduous, which can adapt to a wide range of soil types and can be grown in partial shade or sunny areas.

The Barberry is an evergreen shrub which blooms yellow flowers between April and June.

One of the best shrubs for shade is the Witch Hazel, which requires moist acidic soil moderately watered and blooms bright yellow clusters of flowers in autumn.

For completely shaded areas you might want the Japanese Laurel for your garden; it produces red berries and tolerates frequent pruning, being ideal for hedges.

If you want fragrance, then you might want to turn your attention to the Honeysuckle which blooms during spring and summer, thriving in well-drained soil and partial shade.

Last but not least, the Japanese Maple can add colour to your garden if only you provide it with moderate irrigation, fertilization twice a year and regular pruning.

You can choose plants resistant to pests and you should generally choose the ones which show no sign of disease or infestation.

bright sunlight, completely shaded areas, evergreen shrub, flowering shrubs, frequent pruning, poorly drained soils, shaded areas